Saturday, February 20, 2010


At present we interact with computers through voice using microphones and other auditor device . But the drawback is that its a kind of monotonous. What if the computer reply to what we speak like a friend ??? This idea is made true by the SENSITIVE ARTIFICIAL LISTENERS developed by an international team including Queen's university,Belfast .
Humans do not only communicate through words .90% of the communication is nonverbal . But computers on the other hand can recognize only crystal clear commands. Using a unique blend of science, ethics, psychology and linguistics, scientists are attempting to overcome this obstacle too. SEMAINE (Sustained Emotionally colored Machine-human Interaction using Nonverbal Expression) is a project undertaken by an international group of technologists led by DFKI, the German centre for research on Artificial Intelligence and including Imperial College, London, the University of Paris, the University of Twente in Holland, Queen’s University, Belfast and the Technical University of Munich. The team, aims to create a Sensitive Artificial Listener (SAL) system, which will perceive a human user’s facial expression, gaze, and voice while interacting with him or her. The system will alter its own tone, behavior and actions according to the non-verbal stimulus it receives (and actually perceives) from the user. For the first time in history, this project to create a machine-human interface system is using fields as diverse as psychology, linguistics and ethics at every step of its endeavor.

What will be the result of thizz????

We will be chatting and making jokes with our computers and our computers will be our best friends

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